Monday, March 30, 2020

Talking to our Neighbours

Kauri's Mum sent me these pictures of Kauri and the kids who live next door writing messages to each other and putting them on the window to read. We aren't able to go and play with our friends but this was a great way to do some writing and have fun with it at the same time!
I wonder if some of you could try this with your neighbours? Or write a message to put in someone's mailbox when you're out for some fresh air.

Friday, March 27, 2020

Helping Whanau

Wikitoria has been on the job helping whanau get food out to people in need. Karen (our lovely teacher aide) sent me a link to a video Wiki stars in explaining what their whanau are doing. Wiki is such a little spark in our akomanga and it shines through in the video. You may be able to find it on Facebook if you search Ngati Kahungunu Ki Tamaki nui-a-Rua. She is the boss in the clip and shows her mama how to count the aporo in Te Reo. Tumeke Hape Whanau!

Baking Fun

Anika had a yummy breakfast this morning. They look like bunnies! Who else has been baking at home? Let's see your masterchef skills everyone :)
Here's Tuheitia making Sunday breakfast waffles - look at the concentration measuring the ingredients. They sure look tasty - Tumeke Tuheitia!

Reading Eggs

Reading Eggs is a programme we have used in the past but no longer pay for as a school. They have a 30 day FREE trial so might be worth having a go.
Reading Eggs

Setting up shop

Kauri was cutting up some money last night, adding the $ sign and then wrapping wads of cash together. I suggested to Mum maybe he'd like to set up a shop. So today he got busy, raiding Mum's pantry, adding stickers for price tags, made an open/closed sign and then sold things to his whanau (so long as he got the money back!) I wonder if this inspires some of your friends - especially if we get some rainy days.

Here's a story about anxiety that you might enjoy listening to together...Aroha's Way - A Children's Guide through Emotions – Wildling Books
Aroha's Way

Thursday, March 26, 2020

Fun at Home!

I've tried to add the link but it won't work - but if you search for "Fun at Home" on Facebook there are multiple ideas that come on there daily. Just for some inspiration :)

Busy Bees Today

Koby made a bird feeder to hang in his garden. I wonder what different birds will come to feed Koby?
He also blew out an egg and painted the shell - I can't wait to try this!
Liam has written a story about shifting the rams and getting dust in his eyes. Mila sent me a video of her reading and then she practised writing some words from the story. Anika has written about making a fairy picnic with berries she found. 
Great work team! I look forward to what we get up to next.

Stella's Beach Collage

Stella sent me this amazing beach collage with a video telling me about her picture. I love how the 2 blue colours layered together make it look like waves. Ka pai Stella

Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Lego Challenge

Please send in your photos to share :)

Some ideas to keep you going...

World of David Walliams
And then scroll down to ‘Elevenses with David Walliams’ and you’ll find a daily book to enjoy on there. His stories are very entertaining!

Our Sharing Blog while we are home

Kia Ora and Welcome to the Ruma Tour Blog.

This will be a way that tamariki will be able to share work and stay connected with each other over this period.

Mrs Heald will put up photos of the work tamariki are doing at home.

He Waka Eke Noa!
'We're all in this together.'

Stay Safe and Take Care.