Friday, March 27, 2020

Setting up shop

Kauri was cutting up some money last night, adding the $ sign and then wrapping wads of cash together. I suggested to Mum maybe he'd like to set up a shop. So today he got busy, raiding Mum's pantry, adding stickers for price tags, made an open/closed sign and then sold things to his whanau (so long as he got the money back!) I wonder if this inspires some of your friends - especially if we get some rainy days.

1 comment:

  1. All the boxes and containers "products" he was selling were empty from our recycling which I had decided not to put out with the recycling on Tuesday in case they came in handy, and so they did. I happened to have some blank stickers so he enjoyed pricing items which gave his shoppers a bit of a laugh.
